A place for me to blabbler on and on about spinning, wheels, fibers, yarns, crocheting, and such, and to offer various crochet/fiber/spinning related items for sale.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Finished Scarf

During my rest time today I was able to finish a scarf I've been working on. The main part is knitted, with crocheted shell stitches on the ends for a little extra decor. I can't decide if I should sell it ($20) or send it to a particular person I know. It made out of "Bliss" which I tend to refer to as Fauxgora, cause it feels just like angora, only it's much less expensive! I originally intended it for me, but with 3 black animals, a black haired husband, and my current black hair it just isn't working for me so well. Even while I was knitting it I was forever pulling out hairs! I suppose if I get an offer fast enough I'll sell it (or barter it) and if I don't then I'll send it to this mystery person. And don't worry it's fur/hair free now. I have defurred it, I'm going to check it again then seal it up in a ziploc!