A place for me to blabbler on and on about spinning, wheels, fibers, yarns, crocheting, and such, and to offer various crochet/fiber/spinning related items for sale.

Friday, December 30, 2005

9 hr ER Pt 2

So she delivered my cocktail, the people sitting next to me who we had been chatting with nearly gagged and said "Oh boy you have to drink that stuff?!" So I took a sip, not to bad. Nick asked permission to leave and get something to eat. I let it, but I wish I didn't!I took a few more sips, it started to get bad. It made me even more nauseus then I was when I got there. I could hardly hold down a sip at a time. I had serious gurgle stomach, my little term for how your belly is when it has to much liquid and is all gurgly. By the bottom of the first jar 45 minutes had passed! I only had 15 minutes before jar 2 was supposed to start. Nick STILL wasn't back! I started to worry, how long did it take him to walk around the corner to the cafeteria, eat and come back!?!?! Perhaps he drove to get food and was in an accident? Perhaps he was sick of me always being sick and left me?!?!? My mind devoted itselfs to thinking of him instead of my pain or my stomach. Then he finally returned, about an hour after he left, when it was time for cocktail number 2. In the 15 minutes after cocktail 1 before cocktail 2 I can't tell you how many times I nearly lost cocktail 1 and thought I was going to have to start all over.

It's now 5:30, 5.5 hours after we got there, and I start to drink cocktail 2. I get called to actualyl check in and don't drink teh cocktail while I'm chatting. I return and try to drink it. I can't do it. I get just 1/4 of the way done and and begging to stop. I'm crying. I seriously think I might blow cocktail all over the place. But i have to drink. I drink a little more and am at 1/2 of it. I beg the nurse "Do I HAVEEEE to drink all this" the tears are flowing "It makes me feel like I'm going to hurl. I can't take anymore." She looks, shows obvious concern and says "You can stop for now, just rest a minute or two, and start drinking again as soon as your stomach settles."


I no more then started drinking again and am called for my CT scan. It's about 6:30 now. The guy is walking me back and I tell him I haven't drunken it all yet. It's decided that I must drink atleast a little more. I drink, he talks... about fear factor and the gross stuff they eat, all the spiders, bugs ,etc until I am positivly green. He looks at me, stops talking "Oh" and leaves the room.

The female scanner says I have to take my pants down to about my knees so the machine can see my belly better, she bring me a sheet to cover up with. I do as I'm told and I wait.

The machine lifts me up and in. My hands behind my head feel as though she is going to try to cram them into the machine, but stops about 1/2" before they are stuck in the tiny hold. I'm going back out again. Is that it? Am I done? I ponder it. Nope wait I'm going in again! And in and out I went for a number of times, sometimes having to hold my breath, sometimes not.

Then the moment I'll never forget. She injects something into my IV. I CRY out in pain. I don't know exactly what the stuff was but my body didn't like it. I recieve the warning that I'll feel really warm for a minute or two. I feel it, starting in my arm where the IV is and filling my body. I felt like I was on fire. I couldn't move. The whole time the warmth lasted I couldn't move. Then it happened.

I felt warm. I couldn't move, I had no control over my body, and it happened. I start to think, "man this is so warm I feel like I'm going to pee myself." I'm finished. The warmth is over, she flushes my IV, and I pull my pants up and leave. I go to the bathroom right away. That's the way I do things. After anything I go to the bathroom. So I go to the bathroom, look down, and....

My underwear is actually wet! I actually did pee my pants! Not a huge amount. Not like the flood waters broke the damn. Not like everything I drunk came out, but sure enough they were wet. It was definently a few drops, a tiny trickle. I, a grown woman, had peed my pants. Thank God I had my actual pants down and they didn't get wet. I start to worry, is this a normal reaction to the warmth? Am I going to have a severe reaction like they made me read about and sign in the waiver? I think myabe this happened after the pelvic exam? They always make me gooey? Had I went to the bathroom sicne then? So I proceed to dry it up with some paper towel. I can't stand wet underwear, and being 30 minutes from home, in the ER I don't exactly have the choice of changing.

I return to the waiting room, whisper to Nick that I peed myself. Normally I wouldn't post on the internet that I managed to pee myself. But I think anyone with a lick of sense can tell it wasn't my fault. It's not like I was just to lazy to go, or have no control over my bladder. The Warmth made me do it! It's The Warmths fault!!! Plus this ER story just wouldn't be complete without that part of the story!

The warmth liquid made my arm hurt like &%#*, before this my arms was sore, but I actually crocheted a little. After that I wished I could just cut my arm off!

So I return to the waiting room. We wait. We Wait. We wait some more. Nick runs to the car to get his PSP, a Sudoku book, and other busiment items. He comes back and we watch a movie. I cry. The pain is so bad I can't help but cry. But I think even with my extreme pain I had it better then the girl near me. She thought she was going to die. They were feeding her ice, and trying to calm her down. SHe was clinging to the nurses hand like it was the hand of God. And then we heard her speak. "Pray for me! Pray for me now for this all to be over!" So I did, in my head. Nick says "Betweeen you two I don't see how this ER can hold so much pain." I notice the sign has now increased to a 8 hour wait!

We proceed to watch the movie, with me still crying slightly. And finally they call us back for results. It must have been about 8-8:30.

They can't see my appendix on the CT scan. I did however have a ovaric cyst that ruptured. The DR, who was just amazing, we loved her, was concerned. She said it sounds so much like my appendix. She's calling the surgeon. She wants to make sure before I go home. Sometimes apparently a CT scan can't see the appendix. Sometimes they have had problems with that. Bear with her the surgeon will come.

So we wait some more. Finally the surgeon comes. Ask questions, looks at my results. Pushes on my stomach. Finally a verdict is reached. The ruptured cyst has aggravated my appendix, it is slightly inflamed. Is it just from the cyst rupturing? Or is it early signs of appendisitis? We don't know. Apparently there are cases of slight appendisitis caused my something in the body that will fix itself when the problem is fixed. For example when my body recovers from the rupture, the appendisitis will go away. Sometimes people have like a little stool ball that is pressuring the appendix and it gets aggravated, but once the stool ball is released it's better. That's not what happened that's just an example he used. So I have to recover. If the pain was worse this morning I had to go back. Because that would mean it was my appendix too, and not just something that would correct itself. So he drops the bomb- "So go on a clear liquid diet until atleast in the morning." "what!!!! No orange chicken? No honey BBq strips?" "Well if you're hungery that's a good sign it's not your appendix." To which I honestly reply "I'm not hungery! I just love food!" We finally had my IV removed and everything and we left the hospital a little after 9. 9+ hours after we got there! Sure enough as we walk out I look at the sign.... Estimated wait time is 4 hours.

So last night I'm at home, angery over the lack of food. We spent the whole day in the ER talking about where we would eat when it was all over. And then it happened. The Berry Smoothie cocktail finally took it's tole on my stomach. I came out of the bathroom and said "I think you might not want to use that bathroom tonight. It better just be mine for the time being." Atleast it went down and out instead of the other way!

So Here I at home. When I woke up it still hurt like heck but the main problem was the stiffness. Now the pain is much better, but I am very stiff and sore. I didn't go into work. I called in and talked to my manager and here is the conversation.:

Ryan (my manager): I had a feeling it was you on the phone.
Me: Yeah I can't come in today. I do have a doctors note and everything.
Ryan: So what happened?
Me: I had a cyst that ruptured, and it inflamed my appendix.
Ryan: I TOLD you to go to the hospital! Good thing you actually went!
Me: I spent 9 hours in the ER yesterday.
Ryans: (laughs) Of Course!!! What a great day! So you'll be here Monday then?

But in those 9 hours, between all the bad stuff I crocheted like 5-6 more inches on the cuff of my sock! It's a good thing it happened to be in my purse, I'd been working on it at lunch, because it did help pass the time somewhat.

Thank goodness none of you spent 9 hours in the ER yesterday! I hope none of you ever have to experience the cocktail, the warmth, the even the 9 hr wait ever in your life! But if you do, how about letting me know if you peed yourself? I'd like to know I'm not the only one.