A place for me to blabbler on and on about spinning, wheels, fibers, yarns, crocheting, and such, and to offer various crochet/fiber/spinning related items for sale.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

My Week

I had a fiarly eventful week. Monday was normal.

Here's a visual view of my week:

Tuesday I went to get my hair cut. I decided I'm done with black, and was smart enough to decide to get it cut out instead of the horrible horrible damageing stripping. So I got it cut. I hate it. The women butchered me. The top is way to long, and the sides are way to short. All i can get it to do is lay slicked down, or stand straight up, but i can't get my whole head to do one or the other. I told the women I want it to be a fun funky cut, that is unsual, artsy, odd... and instead she gave me this and says "well you'll just have to style it and make it funky." I hate it. I showed her a picture and said "I like this length, this haircut looks okay, but I want something funkier" she gave a horrible horrible cut that looks nothing like the picture, then says she did it just like the picture. I still don't have all the black out. But I will in about a month or so. Notice the Harry Potter wallpaper on my computer?

Weds I worked, then pretty much did nothing else.

Thursday was of course Turkey day. I cooked. Here's some pictures:
My kitchen in the midst of cooking.

My Turkey. I think I snapped this pic a little bit before it was done.

My sink in the Midst of it all.

My husband, and one of our house guests. I didn't manage to snap a picture of our other guest.

Afterwards with the leftovers being packed away.

After dinner our one guest left to meet her cousin. Shortly to return to pick me up so we could go together and see the new Harry Potter. I've never before in my life wanted to pay to see the same movie in the theater more then once. But when she said she was thinking of going I quickly jumped at the idea of going again.

Friday I worked. Nothing to report about that. I did completely forget to do my ordering! I called in Saturday and my boss said he'd take care of it. I'm not in trouble or anything. After I got home from work I made abour 4 dozen chocolate lollipops. To give to the people I work with, friends, neighbors etc.

Then Saturday I woke up, called work because I realized I forgot to order then made these:
Minature books. It took me 2+ hours to make four. Notice there are only three in the picture? That's because I accidentally fell asleep and one our our animals (which one is still a mystery) did something to the 4th. I have no idea where it is. They have real pages and everything.

And that is pretty much my week. Any questions???

Also to my SP6- I haven't gotten the package yet. My guess is that the season is slowing it down. I'll let you know when it arrives!