I was tagged...
My Mom tagged me today in an email, and though I get over 500 emails a day I dont really know my friends emails or anything, so I'm posting it here instead! Here goes!
How Well Do You Know Me?
For instance, did you know...
Five jobs I have had in my life:
1) Subway Restuarant
2) Hotel Housekeeper
3) Avon Lady (which didn't go so well)
4) Video Game Store employee
5) College IT Dept.
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1) Empire Records
2)Any Harry Potter
3) 13 going on 30
4) How to Deal
and a bonus 5) Princess Bride
Four places I have lived:
1) Westminster, MD
2) Gettysburg, PA
3) Manning, SC
4) Alexandria, VA
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1) Family Guy
2) The Simpsons
3) Seinfield
4) American Inventor
Four places I have been on vacation/a trip to:
3)The Beach
4)South Carolina
Four web sites I visit daily:
1) My yahoo mail
2) My MSN mail
3) The others change daily. I have lots i check regularly, but not every day
Four of my favorite foods:
1) Chocolate
2) Lasagana
3) Pizza
4) Honey BBQ Wings
Four places I would rather be right now:
No where. I'm at home and happy. Well maybe England.
Four friends who I have tagged, that I think will respond:
1. No idea. If you are ready this, and you haven't done it already, you're tagged!
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