A place for me to blabbler on and on about spinning, wheels, fibers, yarns, crocheting, and such, and to offer various crochet/fiber/spinning related items for sale.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Current Projects

I found a project to work on. Well I made one up, but still...

So now I am working on:

The ugly test shrug pattern. I can only do a row before I get disgusted with it.

An ugly shawl. I just grabbed a funky yarn from what my mom gave me. It's a really funky vintage yarn with a combination of 70's yellow, often called Goldenrod, a little rust, some tan, and a few other colors. It's a very weird yarn. As the shawl works up I will like it, then a few rows later hate it, then like it again.

When I finish the shawl I plan on using the fuzzy fur my pal got me and trying to make a lacy shawl. I can't seem to find a good pattern for one so I am going to pretty much make it up based ona knit pattern I saw.

Here's a few tidbits of info for my pal, then I must jet to go upstairs and wait for the pizza I ordered.

1) I say Groovy. Yes I regularly say "groovy" in everyday conversation. I'm that weird.
2) Lately I find myself wanting to crochet a sweater, but I think i will chicken out. It's such a big project. Though lately I've been enoying the longer projects. Ohh I dunno.