A place for me to blabbler on and on about spinning, wheels, fibers, yarns, crocheting, and such, and to offer various crochet/fiber/spinning related items for sale.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Here's a few random pictures (with stories) for you. A variety of images from the last two days.

My newest creation, still in the process of balling. I LOVE this yarn!! I was going to ply it, but after I did a few yards decided I actually liek it better in singles after all.

Here's a close-Up for you:

Here' a picture of Sunshine. I looked over to make sure she was still behaving and saw that apparently she had gotten chilly in her nap, so she pulled the cover off the back of the chair to warm up a bit!

And the last two. After Nick brought home his new Riot Gear from work, I just had to try it all on. It was HOT and so heavy. After I put most of it on (including the jock strap! lol) I got a few pictures of how I would look before running out for a riot, tough face and all. I'd better run out left side first, I never did put on the other leg and arm piece. And my head felt liek it was about to crack off and roll away after puttign that helmet on. I promise I'm not that ugly in real life.

And in other news: As far as we know right now Nick won't be going to New Orleans. They already selected who they wanted to go. And I'm not getting a copier after all.